うめちゃんからの手紙 2016 No.039


Hiroshi and I went to Shinjuku today. Hiroshi asked me to give him a lift to the biggest book shop in the area. Hiroshi also took me to the famous and the biggest art material store in Tokyo. For giving him a lift to Shinjuku, he bought me a small sketch pad and novel book in return.
My mum give Hiroshi some money every months. Hiroshi buys most of his stuff on his own and he also gets salary from his part time job. He has more money he can use than me.
Hiroshi is very smart cat and he can do most of things by himself… but somehow he hates going to shopping alone. So he always ask me to be his company. In return, he often buy me a book or coffee. He is my familiar, and pet. This is odd relation ship.
My uncle made a chiffon cakes and coffee for me and Hiroshi, so we didn’t drink coffee out side today. which is good. I hate spending money. I like saving.
My friends Haru gave me a big bag full of Japanese persimmons today. I always wondered why she can carry so much stuff on her flying broom stick.
I’ll ask her tomorrow. Maybe she has a special one.

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