うめちゃんからの手紙 2016 No.012

えー ヒロシが連れて行ってくれた神保町の喫茶店、先に結論から言いますと私が行ったことのある喫茶店では上位です。
昔、私が小さい時にオトンがよく 「うめこが女の子やからとか、チビやからって夢を諦めたりするんはナンセンスや、なんでも自分がなりたいもんになったらええ、けど木星に行ってみたい!とかいうのだけはやめてや。木星まではよう会いにいかん!わはは!電話がかけられるとこやったらどこでもええけど!」と私に言っていたのやけれど、

Hiroshi (my familia cat) took me to his favorite cafe in Jinbocho today. OMG… the cafe was super nice and it had really nice atmosphere. I have my favorite cafe in Kyoto… I still think that cafe in Kyoto is the No.1 cafe in Japan, but the cafe I went today is really close…
Hiroshi has part times jobs now. He works in some food storage warehouses lately. He said he get really nice salary from them. Lucky him.
so he bought me lunch and coffee. I envy him little bit…but I gonna let him whatever he wants, I think thats the best.
My dad used to say when I was little girl “Umeko, You can be whatever you want and do whatever you want. People might say ‘you are so too short’ or ‘you a girl.’ I think thats such a non sense. I know you are the smartest and funniest… oh but promise me you never go to Mars or Saturn. haha I have no idea how I can go to Mars or Saturn to see you. I gonna miss you so much if you go somewhere like that. Do your best and call me or write me when you grow up”
I suddenly remembered this phrase from my dad… I kinda sense that Hiroshi might say ‘I wanna go see Jupiter with my own eyes’
Yes. Hiroshi has a lot of possibilities and he likes to try everything.

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